Did you know that Twitter has seen a 500% increase in the use of the ‘red flag’ emoji over the last month!? For years, we’ve been pointing out potential partners’ “red flags,” or bad behaviors, negatives or overall subtle warnings that someone isn’t a match or that person is someone that you should stay away from in the dating world. However these red flags aren’t limited to relationships. Red flags can be found across the board in friendships or even within relationships with coworkers! If you type in the “red flag” emoji on Twitter, thousands of warnings come up from the trend! Even celebrities and big names like Pepsi joined the fun!
War of the Roses is when someone calls The Jubal Show because they think that their partner is cheating, we call them offering services in order to catch them cheating. Sometimes people in relationships argue and other times those arguments go too far. That's what happened in today’s War of the Roses! Brittany thinks Mike is cheating because of something he said during their argument! See if you could spot the red flags in this War of the Roses!