While we are all learning the concept of "homeschooling" - I've reached out to the greatest resource I have for help...my sister!
She is not only a 1st grade teacher (the grade my daughter, Riley, happens to be in), but she was also 1 of 10 finalists for the state of Michigan's 2019 Teacher of the Year!!! So yeah...she's badass!
She gave me a GREAT math activity for Riley to do on St. Patrick's day, so I'm sharing the wealth and passing it on to you!
Supplies needed:
- Graphing Chart - you can literally google "Lucky Charms graphing chart" and a thousand options will come up. You can find the one I'm using here. You'll need to sign up for the Teachers Pay Teachers website to download it, but it's free and they have a TON of other resources that should help you survive the next forever!
- Lucky Charms
- Coloring utensils (crayons, pencils, markers, etc)
- Give your kiddo a small bag or bowl of Lucky Charms
- Ask them to sort the marshmallows
- Your student will color a box for each marshmallow, creating a bar graph for their data
- Ask them, "Which shape has the fewest?" "Which has the most?"
- Eat & enjoy your marshmallows!