English Evan

English Evan

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Spider-Man 2: PlayStation Showcase

The PlayStation showcase was awesome as always. I exclusively play PlayStation and have for quite a while now. The first Spider-Man game of the most recent generation was absolutely incredible. The story line actually had me in tears a couple of times. The movies haven't had that effect on me which shows how good that game was.

Now, the teaser trailer for the second installment in the franchise is here and it features Venom. Venom is a home run in pretty much everything that he is featured in so I will definitely be playing this game. He was shown right at the end of the trailer and I can't wait to see how the story line plays out. Another cool feature is that multiple Spier-Men will be in the game, specifically Peter Parker and Miles Morales.

If you want to watch the trailer you can check it out here and as always you can follow me @evanontheradio on Instagram.

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