This is the Jubal News Network for Tuesday January 17th, 2023:
Get ready to throw all your Apple products out because Jubal Fresh reported on Apple announcing the first touchscreen MacBook, out in 2025! You can click here to read more about this story!
What’s the first thing you have to do after giving birth!? You have to name the baby! Bennett reported on a list of prohibited baby names including a 100-character limit in Texas and no symbols in Georgia. Other prohibited names include King, Queen, Majesty, Jesus Christ and the ‘@’ amongst others! You can click here to read more about this story!
In 2023 we’re packing everything in a carry-on! Christian Gray Snow reported on an Oregon woman that received her missing luggage from United AIrlines four years later! The luggage was tracked from Honduras, then Houston before returning to the Pacific Northwest! You can click here to read more about this story!