This Is The Most Popular Christmas Treat In Washington

It's not the best time of the year without a little sugar. The holiday season brings many delights to indulge in, from Santa-shaped chocolates to gingerbread-flavored delectables. But what sweet treat are Americans drooling over?

Career website Zippia set out to answer that question. After analyzing Google searches, they found each state's preferred Christmas dessert. Findings show a good chunk of Americans want to eat some cheesecake during the winter holidays; nine states had the creamy dessert as their most-searched option.

So what do Washingtonians get a sweet tooth for?


Eleven other states preferred candy as their Christmas treat of choice, but the Evergreen State was the only standout craving the fruit-flavored classic. The closest finding to Washington's treat was Alaska, whose residents prefer M&M's as their dessert.

What about Washington's neighbors? Zippia says both Oregon and Idaho prefer candy, as well. Oregonians like to munch on peppermint bark, and Idahoans will happily take the iconic candy cane.

Zippia had some other interesting results from their study. "Move over California, Missouri searches for 'vegan christmas cookies' more than any other state... Only North Dakota is a big fan of vastly, underrated peanut butter blossoms," writer Kathy Morris said. You can check out Zippia's fun findings here.

Photo: Getty Images

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