It's officially over a month since my stroke and holy cow what a wild ride it has been! So I went to the stroke clinic for the first time yesterday and got to see the scans for the first time since my stroke (if you see the photo below it is the bright dot on the scan)... The bright spot is actually dead tissue that happens after a stroke... Thank goodness Carla Marie and Anthony got me into the hospital in time and it wasn't any worse!
Time is so important when having a stroke and it's very easy to not recognize the symptoms. If you don't know what the symptoms of a stroke are, I've linked the official symptoms HERE.
As far as my recovery goes I still have a meeting with a cardiologist, we are still trying to figure out what caused the stroke (we are thinking a hole that was found in my heart when I was admitted to the hospital) and it will still take more time! It's a process. Thank you again to everyone who has reached out and helped since it all happened.