Ways To Save Money On Gas So That You Can Feed Your Family!

If you're on social media, if you've watched the news, if you talk to your friends ... heck, if you walk outside, you know how high gas prices are! In fact, the gas prices are so high that they are capping at $7 in some major cities! The Jubal Show discuss the best ways to save money on gas so that you can feed your family this month!

  1. There's an app for everything! Find an app such as Waze that will direct you to the cheapest gas rates in your area!
  2. Skip the premium option, keep it basic!
  3. Use a Fuel Rewards Program offered at the gas station or local grocery store.
  4. Use cash instead of card! Gas stations charge a service fee when swiping versus making it rain!
  5. Fill up your tank earlier in the week rather than waiting until Friday when gas prices usually jump.
  6. Hit the cruise button ... using cruise control saves gas!
  7. No matter how hot or cold it gets, do not turn on the AC or heat! That will certainly save you money!
  8. WALK!

Click here for more ways to save money on gas! If you're on social media, if you've watched the news, if you talk to your friends ... heck, if you walk outside, you know how high gas prices are! In fact, the gas prices are so high that they are capping at $7 in some major cities! The Jubal Show discuss the best ways to save money on gas so that you can feed your family this month!

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