Alex Fresh's Daily Vibration - Eight of Cups in Reverse!

During The Jubal Show's daily vibration, Alex Fresh gives a one-card tarot reading. Tarot is like a horoscope and can be used to give insight and guidance during the day.

I love this card because the only way to get where you want to be is to change what you're doing right now and the eights in tarot represent work and change. The 8 of pentacles is all about mastering a trade and skill development resulting in financial success. When this card appears in a tarot reading shows a recent change in jobs or financial circumstance like purchasing a new home or expanding your family. You have the concentration and determination to master this new skill and are committed to making changes to ensure that you are giving yourself the best possible chance for success. If you are unhappy with your current state in life and are not currently engaged in pursuing your goals, then ask yourself what you could learn or create to better yourself and circumstances. Important changes in your life are needed to increase your overall satisfaction. The energy you invest in your development will be worth your while. Overall, this is a very hard-working card. Apply yourself fully to whatever is at the center of your attention and keep doing that, it will eventually lead to success. It will require a lot of dedication, focus and patience but as each day passes and staying on track with your goals, the future is yours.

Affirmation: I have faith in myself and in my abilities.


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