For the record, women should be able to pay their own bills, buys their own meals etc HOWEVER ☝🏾 if you’re trying to date me, don’t be shocked when you don’t get any just because you took me out to eat. I don’t care if we get a room, I’m not obligated to have sex with you PERIOD ‼️
Ladies it’s 2019! Stop handing free pu**y to men that don’t know you long enough to respect you, let alone deserve to be inside you.
Sex creates emotional ties and transfers energy. I talk about this and much more including my weight loss and social media disrespect.
Get the scoop on why this dude was really mad, and how we met on ep 23 of @back2besapodcastlisten via link in bio or #iheartradioand #applepodcasts
Keep up with me on Instagram@Naybesa
And for melaninated inspiration to love the skin you were born with, follow my new page@MelaninatedLife